Fake trees in the back of The Butler (Jan 2017)

PNW Woods (Jan 2017)

Deetz on top of Mt. Erie (Jan 2017)

Cougar Resevoir (Jan 2017)

Crater Lake (Jan 2017)

Somewhere off Route 1 (Jan 2017)

LA Junkyard (Jan 2017)

Me in the foam at Land's End (Jan 2017)

Redwoods (Jan 2017)

Nora and Amelia Cooking Tour Slop at Harriman (June 2017)

Chimney Bluffs (June 2017)

Silence Poster in Bloomfield, CT (June 2017)

Buttermilk Falls (March 2018)

Hawthorne Valley Farm (March 2018)

Accord, NY (March 2018)

Train Tracks in Washington (May 2018)

Deetz and Benji in Northen California, near the Pacific (May 2018)

Nora and The Golden Gate Bridge (May 2018)

Mt. Shasta (May 2018)

Yosemite (May 2018)

Museum of Everyday Life (June 2019)

Museum of Everyday Life (June 2019)

Montreal (June 2019)